if you've ever explored Rube Goldberg and the fun mousetrap-like machines that he and others in his shadow have constructed, you'll surely appreciate the breathtaking and amazing kinetic sculpture work of Arthur Ganson...observe this cool-a-tastic video and, as usual, click on the title of this here post to get a closer look at the the artists website and what makes this man tick!
e diel, 24 qershor 2007
e premte, 22 qershor 2007
Andreas Gysin roks it with amazing interactive vids and games...that's right, gAMES!

Mark your calendars folks, it's official...I've been blowN AWAY!!!
please do yourself a favor and check out this amazing site by Andreas Gysin that provides endless ideas and hours of entertaining thoughts about how the net can work as a place of interactivity!!! you gotta try my personal favorites: molecule, psychopong and fan and ball pictured here...a game of mini golf in 3d terrain using a virtual mini fan to blow the ball through a little maze...aMAZING!!! click the title of this post for the fun to commence!!!
thanks brian check!
THE Most Dramatic Chipmunk...
...touted as the BEST 5 second internet video, Dramatic Shakespearian Chipmunks unite!!! observe for yourself and be the judge...
e enjte, 14 qershor 2007
Amazing Job+Everybody's favorite pastime: eating = Food Stylist?

How many of you have been disappointed when ordering an item at a restaurant only to find that it looks NOTHING like the menu or the sign shows? I think everyone's hand is raised...That's because when restauranteurs photograph their food products, they hire someone called a Food Stylist to prepare the food for maximum view-ability, or what I call, 'eye-candy factor'. Behold, from neatorama.com, a list of some of the tricks used by Food Stylists all over to get that maximum mouthwatering effect out of food photos:
* using tobacco smoke to give the appearance of steam
* spraying food with hairspray to hold it in place
* arranging mashed potatoes to look like ice cream
* painting cooked meat
* cereal can be photographed with white glue instead of milk, because the cereal does not get soggy quickly and the flakes stay where they are placed
* vegetables that appear to be cooked are raw and touched with a blowtorch and coated with glycerin to make them appear cooked
* ice cubes are hand-carved acrylic
click the title of this post for a fun, interactive article about Food Styling on pbs kids...
ph: Arby's Beef 'n Cheddar promo pic vs. deflated reality...
e mërkurë, 13 qershor 2007
Robo-walrus roks communication to base camp!!!

Observe this Paul Nicklen photo of a beautiful Walrus with his own old school cell phone built in to his tusk! he's gettin jiggywidit! communicating and rokkin the special features like ring-tones and texting! wowee!!!
check out Paul Nicklen's other amazing photos and galleries by clicking the title of this post...amaZING!
e martë, 12 qershor 2007
Etch-A-Sketch artist George Vlosich III
e hënë, 11 qershor 2007
The Air Car and maybe my future transport...

As most of you know, I've haven't owned a car in 7 years or so...
As a result, I've been getting completely nerdy about alternative means of transportation. You know, things like bikes, public transit, and walking have played major roles in how I get around these days. When my brother Tom bought a hybrid vehicle about 5 years ago, I became fascinated with the potential of how cars were going to change, so I started investigating that, and here's one of the most exciting things I've found, The Air Car by MDI. It's a car that runs entirely on compressed air leaving no pollution behind! It's totally incredible!!! Anyway, for some reading, click the title of this post...
and here's a cool vid for some watching:
don't wake the baby
okay friends, here's a lil vid i made this past weekend with my good friend joe welch from indianapolis, in...enjoy!
e mërkurë, 6 qershor 2007
rokkers u-NITE!!!
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