How many of you have been disappointed when ordering an item at a restaurant only to find that it looks NOTHING like the menu or the sign shows? I think everyone's hand is raised...That's because when restauranteurs photograph their food products, they hire someone called a Food Stylist to prepare the food for maximum view-ability, or what I call, 'eye-candy factor'. Behold, from neatorama.com, a list of some of the tricks used by Food Stylists all over to get that maximum mouthwatering effect out of food photos:
* using tobacco smoke to give the appearance of steam
* spraying food with hairspray to hold it in place
* arranging mashed potatoes to look like ice cream
* painting cooked meat
* cereal can be photographed with white glue instead of milk, because the cereal does not get soggy quickly and the flakes stay where they are placed
* vegetables that appear to be cooked are raw and touched with a blowtorch and coated with glycerin to make them appear cooked
* ice cubes are hand-carved acrylic
click the title of this post for a fun, interactive article about Food Styling on pbs kids...
ph: Arby's Beef 'n Cheddar promo pic vs. deflated reality...
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